🔥 1300+ Articles Summarized by ChatGPT & more

Greetings Builders,

We've seen some awesome discussions on our platform lately, so don't miss out - catch up on the best posts from last week and join the conversation. 💬


I used ChatGPT to summarize over 1,300+ articles from Paul Graham, Marc Andreessen, and more
Hey everyone 👋 Thought I’d share the database of 1,300+ summarized newsletter, blog, and other posts I put together from tons of leaders in the startup world: I also tagged them by topic after ChatGPT summarized them, so you can easily filter the list Grab it for free → https://chatgpt-startup-s…
What business model should I test? by Sneha Saigal on Kernal
I am looking for feedback on the current product version of Geeks and Experts. We already went through one pivot before. https://geeksandexperts.com We want to make 1:1 video calls with domain experts seamless. We want people to get valuable insights over a call without having to spend hours on wat…
📝 Let’s talk about notes. What’s your solution of choice? by Paul Donnelly on Kernal
Ok, so let me just clarify the use case: I’m looking for an every day, fairly simple, personal note taking solution. If a thought pops in my head, I want to capture it before I forget. If there’s an interesting insight in a meeting, I might want to follow up later. If I’m going away for the weekend…

Support Requests

Ahmed Nadar is looking for feedback
MVP is ready for users to use https://validateok.click. All you need to do is Create an account and post your idea.Don’t forget to validate the idea itself for more features to come.If you have any ideas to add, improve, or fix to do, you can write me @ahmednadarCheck Validate OK👌🏼 features p…
Friedrich is looking for help solving a problem
Solution/ask:We’re looking for examples of insurance pricing models to create pre-configured insurance products on our SAAS platform (Policy administration system). We sincerely appreciate any resource, guidance or feedback for collecting these examples - even standard parameters to consider that w…
Jennifer is looking for introductions
Anyone able to connect me to companies that are currently growing? Ideally they’d be companies who have a track record of investing in interns’ skills development (i.e. training entry-level interns, thinking of having a learning & development program).

New Startup Ideas - Upvote, Comment & Connect

Create interactive product demos and tutorials in minutes 👾
Supademo helps anyone build interactive demos that can be embedded on websites, blog posts, and emails. Why did you build Supademo?With the looming recession and pressure to do more with less, nearly 90% of SaaS companies plan to invest in product-led-growth (PLG) initiatives at their companies.…
AI Tutoring Chat Bot
Opportunity:Macro Trends: E-learning is on the rise, with more students and professionals turning to online education for convenience and flexibility. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are also growing rapidly, making it possible to create intelligent chat bots.Market Size: Th…
Tip your favorite bands, anytime.
Opportunity: Spotify, Apple Music, and other streamers don’t pay artists well. I often have a band on shuffle, and think I’d give them $5 just because I’m feeling generous and they are awesome. Also, as a fan, Spotify/Apple Music, etc. don’t make it visually interesting to show off your favorite ba…

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