⏰ Tick. Tock. Time-saving Tips for Founders

No time to waste

There are 50 days left in 2022 and we wanna help you make the most of it. You've got a startup to build and ain't nobody got time to waste.

Latest News

From layoffs to a liquidity crisis, the $8 badge rollout to election overload – this week may feel full of doom and gloom in startup land but last week's menu of predictability trends should help you buck the bad vibes and grab the reins of you startup idea.

Time to saddle up and dive into the goods. Giddy up!🏇🏽

Today's spread

😎 Top Notch Startup Newsletters
💗 Startup Ideas Gaining Upvotes
🙌🏼 Members to High-Five

Check Back In for New Ideas

➕ Smash that subscribe button

The internet can be a noisy place. There are millions of posts, articles and videos vying for your eyeballs every second 👀. So when you want the best-curated content without spending hours searching the web, a well crafted newsletter can be your savior.

They're short, simple, and surface the top content to keep you up to date with what's going on in a specific industry or niche. Newsletters can provide helpful tips and tricks to help you succeed while saving your most valuable commodity - your time.⏱️

Now, we all know your inbox is a precious place. So do yourself a favor and take 2 minutes to unsubscribe from pesky Black Friday deals that are on no one's holiday list to make room for these worthwhile reads that will fill up your bucket without draining your time tank.🔋

🥁Drumroll for our favs

  • First 1000 by Ali Abouelatta - A weekly newsletter about how founders got their first 1000 customers
  • Founders by David Senra - Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week David reads a biography of an entrepreneur and finds ideas you can use in your work
  • Kernal - A diamond in the rough 💎 This weekly gem is packed with early-stage startup news and fresh founders making waves. Now do as The Weeknd says and "Tell Your Friends"

Tell Your Friends about Kernal

  • Volv - The best content on the internet in 9-second reads, in real-time.
  • Failory by Nicholas Cerdeira - Weekly interviews, articles, and 3 curated resources for Startup Founders
  • Zero to Marketing by Andrea Bosoni - Monthly marketing case studies
  • YCombinator - For startups, this newsletter is a must as it provides sharp insights into funding projects, business technology, and how-tos, assisting you with getting your company off the ground.
  • The Line by Tech Stars - Ideas & insights from the Techstars network
  • 5-Bullet Friday by Tim Ferris - 5 Coolest things Tim's found or explored that week, directly into your inbox  
  • Refind - Every day we pick the most relevant links from around the web for you. To learn something new. To get inspired. To move forward.
  • 3Things by fellow Kernaler Elaine Zelby - 3 startup ideas shared every Sunday. Claim one to build here.
Miss an NL you love? Tweet us your favourite and we'll add it to our ever-growing directory of resources, tools, and guides. Let us know what else you'd like to see.

🌱 Startup Ideas of the Week

Deal Notes: This experienced Founder is getting serious 👀

Follow Along Before the Launch in Late Q1 2023

Deal Notes: Paolo is posting updates daily

Upvote to stay updated!
Want to be featured here next week? Remember to include a cover photos so we can feature them here

See what's trending on Kernal

Adam Thornhill

Speaking of saving time and hitting subscribe on juicy newsletters; meet Adam - Founder of The Podup - Author of Best 3 Podcasts of the Week.  He's the latest feature in our Early Days series, which goes into detail about how founders got to where they are now. Click the link below to see how he turned his notes into a newsletter and follow along for more stories like this!

The Early Days: Building Podup with Adam Thornhill
How many times a week do you ask for Business Podcast recommendations to only heart them in your Spotify app and never go back to listening? If you’re like me, it’s a lot.

More Members to Follow:

  • 👋 Welcoming Elyse Holladay to Kernal - Founder, product-focused generalist, and personal style coach. Start a conversation by sending her a DM on Kernal today.
  • ⭐ 3x Founder + Investor Milun Tesovic knows a thing or two about the startup journey. Give him a follow and nudge him to share his first idea on Kernal.
  • 🔥Serial Maker Elnur Jabarov has shared 10 ideas and has one of this week's hottest ideas on Kernal - Micro-skill courses. Give him a follow and boost his new idea here.

🤣 Laughs of the Week

Know a founder or hustler that should be on Kernal? Send them an invite to help them skip the waitlist. We're rising all tides and would love to have them jump aboard our ship.

A special salute to community members Clark Cave, Dave Eber, Kevin Powell, Seth Fannin, Ron, and other veterans as we thank you for your service this Veterans Day (🇺🇸) and Remembrance Day (🇨🇦).

Now go celebrate that key project you crushed this weekend 🍻

💚 Kernal Fam

How did you like today's newsletter?
🔥 11/10 · 😕 Meh · 😴 Boring Sauce