🙏 Wow, thank you!

Kernal fam,

Sorry to interrupt your festivities this sunny long weekend, but we wanted to share some crazy news and to say thanks to our community.

Within the last 24 hours of sharing our plans to build fundraising tools on Kernal, we’ve received an investor interest of over $400,000. Wow, we’re flattered and more motivated than ever!!

That’s pretty damn amazing.

We are really excited about the potential for Kernal to become the destination for builders to raise funding as effortlessly as possible.

Thanks to a couple big players that stepped up to the plate:

Increasing Size

We have some traditional VCs that will be joining this round and we reserved a small allocation for Kernal users. That said, we’re going to look at increasing the size to create more space for our community.

Click here to express your interest if you’d like to join us as an early investor.

Either way, we’re excited to keep this momentum going, and thank you!

Now put your feet up, crank the BBQ and go have a kick-ass weekend. 🍻


💚 The Kernal Team

P.S. Got questions or ideas? Reply to this email.