🎢 The Coachella of Startup Ideas

Happy Friday Founders,

Netflix shat the bed, Serena is still the GOAT and one of you got in a tussle with Elon. It's Earth Day for those that got a stare-down walking with your non-reusable coffee cup 10mins ago. Wanna know our biggest high from the week? It wasn't a 4/20 parade. It was one of you telling us Kernal is your favourite chrome bookmark. That's what we call product-market lit.

Enough blabbing, let's get to the goods.πŸ‘‡

Today's Menu:

  • πŸ’₯ Founder wins that'll inspire you more than Tony Robbins
  • 🎢 Β Startup ideas fresher than your Grandma's banana bread
  • 🍻 Weekend headlines to impress your happy hour date

Stop talking 'bout WeCrashed, pull up a chair and let's dive in. β˜•οΈ

πŸ™Œ Founder Wins of the Week:

Recruiter of the year goes to... Roman Beylin. He's been putting in serious hours. In Q1, he shared a fractional CMO, content writer, and a paid acquisition specialist. Check out his startup idea to witness the momentum for yourself.
V1 out the door: Lea Marolt Sonnenschein's building Duolingo X Headspace on Slack. She has V1 in QA stage and she's already booked 50 x 15min user research interviews in 14 days. πŸš€ Read her full progress here and slide into her DMs if you'd like to test her product.
Podcast Triple-Double: With 68 episodes, almost ~100K downloads and 430+ newsletter subscribers, Will Smith has been unstoppable. He's got 6 Kernal ideas up, but Indie Hackers for Acquisition Entrepreneurs has been the high-flyer. To get a peek of his interviews, run over to his beautiful website: acquiringminds.co ✨
Artem Smirnov dropped some cash: He claimed his "original landing page wasn't converting". So he carved out a late-night work sesh and built a new one. πŸ’ͺ He also dropped some doe to buy a new domain: meet jelytics.com. Wanna make a founder's day? Go give them congrats in the comments section.

Heads up: if you like our newsletter you'll love our Twitter game. Tweet us your latest startup thought and we might just tweet back.

Tweet Kernal Your Startup Win

πŸ’Ž Will the Real Will Smith Please Stand Up?

Usually, we write something in this block about startup tips or current events. Not today baby. On this fine Friday, we wanna call out a founder that's been in the trenches and has built something special.

His name? Will Smith. (Not the guy from the oscar meme you all shared). Will Smith from Kernal. The startup idea he's building: Indie Hackers for Acquisition Entrepreneurs.

Will took his napkin startup concept to the moon and we wanted to call out the hard work he's been putting in. This kind of work ethic gets our team jazzed up in our weekly meetings. We love seeing people talk less and build more, and Will, you've taken home this week's MVP of the Week banner. πŸ†

Readers: go check out his latest podcast to see what Acquiring Minds is all about.

Checkout Acquiring Minds Podcast

πŸš€ Startup Ideas of the Week

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πŸ“° Founder Favourites

🐦 Tweet of the Week

Stop complaining about old gear. Start making cool shit.

Have a rockin' weekend. Catch you on the flip side.

πŸ’š Β Kernal fam

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