😎 New Tools for Founders to Show Off

GM Founders,

Welcome back to Kernal: the "hey Siri" for startup ideas that Steve Jobs never built.

We grew plenty of grey hairs this week: S&P 500 got clapped, crypto got cranked and lay-offs were felt. If your diamond hands are sweating, you ain't alone. But you can be certain bout' 1 thing: there couldn't be a better time to be a builder. Forget about the news headlines for a sec and chew on this. If you've got a:

  1. validated startup idea
  2. that a niche community wants
  3. and a MVP you can build from your basement

You got nothing to worry about. In fact, you're in the best place you could be. And the world is your oyster. Ignore the negative nancy's. And let's. Keep. Building. πŸš€

Today's Menu:

  • βš’οΈ New tools for founders to show off their work
  • 🀝 Juicy startup ideas of the week you should pounce on
  • πŸ‘€ Angel investing events and cheat sheets

Lace up your all birds friends, b/c today's issue is gonna take you for a spin.

πŸ›  New Tools to Build Your Startup

While you've been watching WeCrashed, our team's been hard at work watching Ozark building features and golly, gee, darn, do we have an update coming your way. Hit the lights, Johnny. ✨

Since we know you're busy, we're gonna cut right to the chase. Here's a sneak peek at a few of the new updates coming your way πŸ‘€:

1.🎯 Set goals and showcase progress

2. πŸ™‹ Get support from the community and help others

3. β€βœ¨ A fresh new look for your startup page

That's just a taste for now but we'll have more details on all of the updates coming your way, so stay tuned. Best news is – we're rolling out the new features over the coming days, so you won't have to wait long. Β 

While you're waiting, why not put on your Sunday best, update your profile pic and make sure you're Kernal profile is in tip-top shape before these features drop:

Update Profile

✨ Startup Ideas of the Week ✨

Up-vote or comment on your favourite startup idea below. You never know where sharing feedback can take you...

Got a killer startup idea of your own? Prove it. You could be the front page of next week's newsletter...

Submit Startup Idea

πŸ“° Latest Startup News

  • Angel event: Stonks is hosting an event on May 18th to let accredited investors secure an allocation in Elon's bid to take Twitter private. Min check size is $10K.
  • Anotha one: Shopify scooped up Deliverr, an eCommerce fulfillment company for a small ~$2.1B.
  • Interview playbook: Want to learn how to interview customers and don't have the cashola to buy a masterclass? Check out this guide by Wizen.
  • How to validate your startup idea: do you ever read an article and think "dang, that's a thing of beauty?" That was Todd Jackson's piece to us. As a seed-stage investor at First Round, he breaks down how to validate a startup concept he'd back and pulls frameworks from past winners he's shipped.
  • Web 3 startup ideas: E-Zelby hits a homerun on her recent newsletter covering a few web 3 startup ideas anyone can go build.
  • Ed-tech cheat sheet: Building in the education space? Dru has the perfect breakdown on how to tackle it.

🐦 Tweet of the Week:

Less gravy, more meat and potatoes:

Liking our tweets of the week? Drop us a follow on Twitter.

Now go have an 11/10 weekend. Β 

Your bestie boos,

πŸ’š Β The Kernal Crew

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