πŸ¦ƒ BRB, Cookin' Turkey

Morning Kernal Fam,

We were gonna stay up late writing a long newsletter, but then we remembered y'all are gonna be soaking up thanksgiving greatness today. From turkey cookin', to Black Friday deal sniping, we're keeping today uber short to let you take in the festivities.

If you're doing something fun, reply with a selfie. We'd love to hear from ya and maybe we could feature some of you next week.

Last thing: we put together a list of discounted tech tools (notion, slack, zoom etc) for founders to save cash and we wanna launch a beta group with 20 of you. Drop your name and email below if you want early dibs. πŸ’°

🌱 Kern.al’s Discount Sign-Up
So you wanna get discounts to your favourite tech products like Notion, Slack and Google Suite? We got your back. Drop your name and email below and we’ll add you to our beta list for early access. πŸ’Έ

Time to go eat some turkey,

πŸ’š Kernal Fam