๐Ÿฅƒ Best Memes of 2021

Morning Builders,

2021 was great. But not great enough to share 21 lessons we learned in a twitter thread. Instead, we wanna dish up something special. Introducing: a walk down meme-ory lane. ๐Ÿฅ

What's a better way to end the year than with a laugh? We agree. So we rounded up 2021's best memes to do just that. Put your feet up and have some fun before you go build a world-class startup in 2022. ๐Ÿš€

Here are some of the greats:

How it Started vs How its Going

We've all seen this one.

Chilly Bernie

From Forrest Gump to Deadpool, Bernie ft. his mittens is an easy top pick.

Bezos vs Leo

Not a fight I'd wanna pick. Whose your money on?

Red Flag Alert

The easy sign they're not the "one".

Squid Game vs The World

Can't have a worldwide TV show w/o a worldwide meme album.

The Oprah Shocker

Nuff said.

The Wink

Boss says you'll get equity in next year's comp package...

The Suez Canal

The New World

When you don't hear an ad on a podcast. โœจ


I thought you were emailing the VC.

The Look-Back

These memes were shared across every industry on the planet.


Can't leave out Elon and his Dogecoin army.

House on Fire

When you bcc the boss on your email to a colleague. This meme sold for $500K.

Anikan and Padme

This sequence was an easy winner regardless of the vocab.

Hope this gave you a laugh. Reply and tell us which was your favourite. ๐Ÿ‘‹ If it hit a heart chord, forward this to a friend.

For our last question of 2021, can you spare 5 seconds? Just click the photo below to vote on our twitter poll or reply to this email with your vote.

We wanna build more community with founders in 2022 and we're wondering which platform you prefer most? ๐Ÿ‘‡

See you in 2022. ๐ŸŽ‰

๐Ÿ’š Kernal Fam

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